Definition of Definition

Image is powerful but it can also be superficial. Image can change within a matter of seconds. We have been taught that beauty is health, wealth and symmetry, and this has provided a legacy for models to capitalize on. Your looks probably will get you into the door of new adventures and networking with huge brands like Nike and urban outfitters but what got you here won’t keep you here. Your looks are probably 10% of what defines a model. Everyone has their own definition so I’ll take this time to share others response of what defines a model, who inspired them to become a model and what has modeling done for them so far. So that it may continue to inspire others to chase their dreams. 

@thegermaniamartinez - There are so many definitions to this that is hard to just pin point to one. But the main is making a vision come alive. Been able to transform yourself into anything. That’s a lot of people that say, it’s easy going from model to acting. You are given a role that most be to come alive in camera. Those OG from the 90s they were able to model anything with out loosing themselves. It has allowed me to be way more comfortable in my skin. And all those things that make me, are things that people always bring out in the pictures. Also to appreciate every aspect of the process. From getting make up done to hair to wardrobe to the photographer and the assistant. Everything is so crucial.

@iamadrianclarke - Modeling defines me as the ability to promote a story, concept, product, service or mood. I am inspired by Sean O'pry, Kit Butler, Nikola Jovanovic etc. Modeling has allowed me to tap into a network of brands and high end clients that allow me to make their idea come to life through different mediums.

@gavielaramirez - I feel like to have a model is the best form of advertisement. To be a model is have a large platform of expressionPeople Alton mason alanna Arrington and dilone. The new age of young urban models who can model any style. So far modeling has introduced me to so many great people like photographers make up artists and so forth. I’m not far but I’m trying to be.

@loveearas - What defines a model? 

-work ethic. How much work are you willing to put in to get to where you need to go. Including practicing, learning your angles and what type of shoots best fits you.

Who inspires you as a model?

-the legends like Naomi and Tyra were all I looked at when I was younger because I related to Tyra’s big forehead and I aimed to be fierce like Naomi. And the new like Tami Williams who dominating right now.

What has modeling done for you so far?

-in the beginning modeling helped me grow my self esteem. Most of us were picked on for being the skinniest and tallest. I have been published in magazines throughout the country and the world, featured on t.v. Including commercials, networked and met the most amazing, creative and loving people, develop my self...who and what I want to be. Turned me into a business women because yes this is a whole business for us too. I’ve always been humbled and modeling is definitely one industry that will do that to someone.

I’ve learned that you don’t have to be THE model meaning not to aim to be like such and such because there is a market for everyone and just because one person gets booked out in (for example) the Miami market does not mean that I can’t or that I have to. Maybe my market is oversees like back home in Jamaica. 

@mathieu_mayo - I look good in everything I wear . Plus I’m damn confident 😎.I’m doing it for team darkskin  (inspire the youngins to love the skin they’re in ) Allow me to walk New York like I’m a bout to own it (Haitian papi sh!t )

@jessimelani - A person that models for brands to sell their products. My purpose in it inspires me - Tabria and Ashley G do as well. Modeling has allowed me to move across the country and make a living for myself and soon for my family - it’s made me and my family proud of me and is making my dreams come true